Written By: Sheikh Ahmed BabalWaiz,
of Faidah & its Interpreter in Ghana.
By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
(جزء الرابع)
الفيضة في ذكر بعض كرامات صاحب الفيضة"
شيخ الإسلام الحاج إبراهيم انياس الكولخي)
الشيخ أحمد بابا الواعظ, لسان الفيضة وترجمانها في غانا
(Part Four)
١١- ومن عادته رضي الله عنه في قيد حياته, أنه يجلس
للمولد النبوي عليه السلام, من الساعة العاشرة ليلا إلى العاشرة ضحوة بوضوء
العشاء, يقرأ السيرة النبوي عليه السلام, وينشد ابيات البردة بصوته المرتفع, ثم
يصلى بالناس صلاة الفجر, ثم قراءة القرآن جماعة, ثم يلقى الوعظ للعامة, ويدعو إلى
الله, يلقن الورد, ويجددها للحاضرين, ثم الدعاء للجماعة وللدين والوطن, فينتشرون.
هكذا يفعل يوم التسمية في كولخ والمولد يكون في المدينة ليلة الثاني عشرة من ربيع
الأول. وكان هذا ماعرف عليه حتى رحل إلى ربه وبقيت سنة متبعة في أتباعه قدس الله
11- It was part of his
tradition that he would sit for Maulid during his lifetime from 10 pm at night
to 10 am in the morning with the (wudu) ablution of isha prayer. He would read
the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) and would recite the "Alburdah"
poetry with is high pitched voice. He would then pray fajr with people, then there
would be Qur'an in for everyone (where his murids would share pages to the
audience to read). Then he would deliver a sermon to all and pray for everyone
and he will revise the (wird) litany and revive (the izzin/permit) for those
present. Then would pray for everyone, for the religion and for the nation.
People would then disperse (or leave). He would do the same on the day of
"soona", naming ceremony or outdooring in Kaolack and the maulid
would be held in the city on the 12th night of Rabi'ul Awwal, and this was
known with him until he met his lord and it became a (sunnah) which is being
followed among his followers, may Allah sanctify his soul.
١٢- ومما شاهدته من كرامته مرافقتي به وانا (الحاج
بابا الواعظ المؤلف) إلى دكار ونزلنا بدار صهره الحاج عمر كن, ومكثنا ستة أيام حتى
أنني تضجرت ورجوت الرجوع إلى الكولخ. وكان الشيخ لا يفطر الصباح إلا بجماعة وأنا
معهم, وهكذا الغذاء والعشاء.
12- And part of what I had
witnessed from his wonders when I (Alhaji BabalWaiz, the author of this book)
traveled with him from Kaolack to Dakar and we were hosted in the house of his
father-in-law, Alhaji Umar Kane and we stayed for six days until I got (bored)
tied and wished we had returned. And Sheikh would not eat breakfast unless with
a group of people and I was part of them, same applies to launch and dinner.
يوم الإثنين,كنا نأكل معه غذاء تفكرت وقلت في نفسي متي نرجع إلى كولخ, وصرت أتحدث
نفسي في ذلك, والشيخ يتحدث معنا بالعربية مع قوم من العلويين, فالتفت إلي قائلا,
"يا الحاج بابا الواعظ سنرجع إلى كولخ يوم الأربعاء". فتعجبت اذ أنني لم
أظهر كلامي إنما هو حديث في نفسي. ولا غرو فقد قيل:
العارفين لها عيون ♤ ترى
مالا يراها الناظرون
So on Monday we were eating
breakfast and I was thinking and saying in my mind, when are we going to return
to Kaolack, and I kept on saying that in my mind, while Sheikh was talking to
us in Arabic with team of "Alawi", descendants. He then turned toward
me and said: "O Alhaji BabalWaiz, we shall return to Kaolack on
Wednesday". I then became so surprised since I didn't voice out my words,
but it was rather an idea in my mind. So no wonder it was said that:
The hearts of those with
divine knowledge have eyes
They see what the onlookers
(with normal eyes) do not see.
To be
Translated By: Husseini
Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
الفيضة في ذكر بعض كرامات صاحب الفيضة"
شيخ الإسلام الحاج إبراهيم انياس الكولخي)
الشيخ أحمد بابا الواعظ, لسان الفيضة وترجمانها في غانا
(Section Six)
١٣- زيارة الشيخ إبراهيم إلى تملي ويندي (ب)
13-Trip of Sheikh Ibrahim
to Tamale & Yendi(B)
بعد ذلك(نزوله بكماسي)أرسل ملك يَنْدِي يطلب حضور الشيخ ببلدته يَنْدِي عاصمة
دَغُمْبَ في شمالي غَانَا فارتحلنا عن طريق البر إلى تَمَلْ وركب الشيخ الطائر
بيوم بعد مسيرنا وبلغنا تَمَلْ مع الشيخ محمد الهادي بن المولود فَالْ وأمّا
الخدام فقد سبقونا إلى يَنْدِي للحراسة والأمنِ .
….After that[his arrival in
Kumasi], the paramount chief of Yendi in Tamale requested from Sheikh to visit
town, Yendi, the capital City of Dagbon in northern Ghana. So we set off on the
road to Tamale, while Sheikh boarded a plane the next day after we left. We
reached Tamale with Muhammadul Hadi Bun Mauloud Fal. But the khuddam[or
protocol] have already left ahead of us to Yendi for security and protection.
يقدم الشيخ هناك، فتخلي مطار تَمَلْ عن الخدَّام إلا أهل تَمَلْ وحدهم ولمَّا نزل
الشيخ بالمطار انكبَّ الناس عليه يتزاحمون منهم من يمسح جسده ومنهم من يأخذ زيل
برنوسه ومنهم من يجذب قميصه حبًّا وشوقًا فجعلنا ندافع عنه ولا نقدر لكثرة الناس
عليه فتجلَّد ووقف يدافع عن نفسه وانتشر الناس حوله ووجد السبيل وحفظه الله ووفاه
من كل سوء. لاكن وطأت الفرسُ رِجل أخي الحاج الحسن أحمد ولم يؤلمه.
So when the Airplane landed
at the airport in Tamale, the khuddam/protocol who left from Kumasi were not
there, but only the people of Tamale themselves. So when Sheikh got down from
the airplane, the crowd invaded him in a stampede and pandemonium. Some of them
would touch his body, others would hold his garment, while some would be
dragging the dress, just expressing love and affection towards him. And we made
an attempt to block them in order to protect him but we could not do that due
to the teaming crowd that closed-in on him. He then stood motionless and begins
to protect himself. Then the people started to disperse away from him. He
finally got the space to move and Allah protected him from all bad incidents.
However, a horse had stepped on the foot of my senior brother Alhaji Alhassan
Ahmad, but he did never feel any pain.
أن إستقرّالشيخ في إدارة المطار سأل عن المصحف وقد احتمرّ عينه تعبًا ومشقةً فشرع
يتلو القرآن وبعد هنيئة أرسل زعيم بُولِسْ يطلب مقابلته فدخلنا سيارة أمير تَلُنْ
والناس يركضون وراءنا، ومن قبل استعد المحل لنزول الشيخ والوعظ في تَمَلْ فمررنا
إلى مركز بُولِسْ فسألني الشيخ : "ماذا نريد هنا؟" فقلتُ : "إن
زعيم رجال الشرطةْ هو الذي يريد أن يقابلك". فقال: "ما جِئت لأجله بل
نذهب إلى يَنْدِي ولا أبيتُ هنا". فجاء كبير رجال الشرطةْ وألقى تحيته إليه
وطلب الدعاء من الشيخ ثم خرجنا والناس في الخارج كثيرون جدًّا يظنوننا ذاهبين إلى
الميدان المستعدّ للإجتماع فأرسلنا إلى كبراءهم بأننّا نمرُّ إلى يَنْدِي كما طلب
الأميرُ وسلكنا طريق يَنْدِي.
After Sheikh has settled
down[briefly] at the administrative lounge of the Airport, he asked for the
Qur’an. His eyes were red out of travel fatigue. He then started reading the
Qur’an. After a while, the police commander came requesting to meet him. So we took
off inside the vehicle of Talon Naa and people were running behind us. Before
then, a place was prepared to host Sheikh and a venue to deliver lecture in
Tamale. We then went to the police station and Sheikh asked me[the author],
“What do we need over there?” And I said: “It was the police commander who
wanted to meet you.” And he said: “I did not come here for his sake, but let us
go to Yendi and I will not sleep over here.” Then the police commander came and
greeted him and requested for du’ah from Sheikh. We then went out and saw a
mammoth crowd of people. They were thinking we were going to the place prepared
for the gathering, we then sent a message to their leader that we are going to
Yendi as the chief requested. So we set off on the road to Yendi.
قليل سألني الشيخ قائلا "أين المصحف؟" فناولتُه إيَّاه فشرع في تلاوته
وبعد ساعة رأينا سيارة الخدّام قد تعطلت ووقفت بلا ماءٍ وقالوا إن محل صبّ الماء
فسد فكان كلما سار قليلا يقف هكذا منذ مغادرتهم بكُمَاسِي فأخبرنا الشيخ عن حال
الخدام لأنه من الضروريّ عليهم أن يسبقونا إلى يَنْدِي للترتيب والنظام فقال
الشيخ: "من الآن لا يفسد إن شاء الله." فكان كذلك ولم يفسد بعدُ حتى
وصلنا إلى يَنْدِي وشرعوا في عملهم من ترتيب الناس والتنظيم لإجراء الأمن والسلامة
ونزلنا بدار الحاج عبد الله لكنَّه ضيق جدًّا بنسبة كثرة الناس.
After a while, Sheikh asked
me to give him the Qur’an {as I was the one who was holding his Qur’an on the
trip}, I gave it to him and he begins to recite it. Then After one hour, we saw
the car of the kuhddam/protocol had stopped and could not move without. And
they said, the water hole got broken, so whenever it moves a beat, it would
stop. That was the case since they left Kumasi. So we informed Sheikh about the
plight of the khuddam/protocol, since it is necessary for them to get to Yendi
ahead of us [Sheikh’s entourage], to prepare and arrange the place. Sheikh then
said: “From now on, it will not break down Insha Allah {God willing}”. And it
amazingly did not break down as he said, until we reached Yendi, and they [khuddam/protocol]
started their service by preparing people and arranging for safety and
security. And were hosted in the house of Alhaji Abdallah, but it was so
congested due to the huge number of people there.
الوعظ احتفل الناس والأمراءُ ولا يحصى عدد الحاضرين وشرع الشيخ في الوعظ وعندما
قال: "جدّدوا إيمانكم بقول لا إلٰه إلا الله محمد رسول الله" فقال
الجميع أي كل من بذلك الميدان حتى الخيول انها تشهد أن لا إلٰه إلا الله.
On the day the lecture [wa’z],
many people and chiefs have gathered, and one could hardly quantify the number
of people in attendance. So Sheikh started preaching. When he said: “Revive
your Eeman {faith} by saying “La Ilaha Illa Lah, Muhammadul Rasululah”, {There
is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger}, all and sundry in that park
said it even including the horses, signifying they were bearing witness that
there is no God but Allah.
الوعظ رجعنا إلى تَمَلْ وقبل ذلك قال الشيخ لأهل تَمَلْ: "كل ما فعلتم من
الحركات والإزدحام محبة في الله لا بأس عليكم والله يجازيكم عني خيرًا وإن شاء
الله عند عودتي من يَنْدِي سأنزل عندكم." ففرِحُوا ورجعوا واستعدوا محل الوعظ
والسكنى للراحة… فشرع
الشيخ في الوعظ نهارًا ودخل الناس في الدّين أفواجًا وطلبوا من الشيخ أن يبيتَ
عندهم ولو ليلة واحدة ولم يقبل واستعدوا استعدادًا من الإكرام والتبجيل في محل
الزيارات والإستقبال والمبيت فاعتذر الشيخ ودعى لهم بالبركة والخيرات وشكر لهم
After the lecturers, we
returned back to Tamale, and Sheikh said to the people of Tamale: “All your
activities and mayhem are for[my] love for the sake of Allah, so there is
nothing wrong with you. And Allah will kindly reward you. And God willing, when
I return to Yendi you will host me.” They became happy and returned to prepare
the ground of the lecture and a place for rest…Sheikh then started the lecture
in the afternoon and huge number of people embraced Islam. They requested
Sheikh to stay with them even one night, but he declined. They prepared places
of visit, reception and hosting, but Sheikh gave them excuse and pray for them
for Allah to shower his blessings and goodness upon them. And thanked them for
their effort.
المساء ارتحل على الطائرة راجعًا إلى كُومَاسِي ونحن ركبنا سيارة إلى كوماسي
ووصلنا وبِتنا يوم الأحد ثم رافقنا الشيخ إلى أَكْرَا ففي هذا السفر نظم الشيخ
الكتاب المسمى بـ'نيل المفاز' ذكر فيه تاريخ رحلته وما جرى له فيه من الإكرام
واستقبال الناس له والأمراء وذكر أسماءنا الخلفاء والمقدمين والمريدين ثم من
أَكْرَا فإلى كولخ.
And in the evening, He
boarded a plane to Kumasi, while we took a car to Kumasi. We reached there and
slept on Sunday, and we then accompanied Sheikh to Accra. And in this Journey,
Sheikh had authored a book entitled, “Naylil Mafaaz”, or “Achieving Success”,
where he narrated the story of his trip and the sort of warm receptions that he
had received, as well as how people and chiefs met him. He mentioned the names
of Khulafah, muqaddameen and mureedeen. Then from Accra, he departed back to
To be
Written By: Sheikh Ahmed
Spokesman of Faidah &
its Interpreter in Ghana.
Translated By: Husseini
Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
Above (at the top of this page) is the picture was
Sheikh Ibrahim sitting with the then Paramount Chief of Yendi during the trip,
with the entourage of his palace and the entourage of Sheikh. Sitting on far
left in front of the Chief was Sheikh Ahmad BabalWaiz, the author of this book
and Spokespersons & Interpreter of Sheikh In Ghana.
In the picture of the
historic visit of Sheikh (at the top of this page) was the author Sheikh BabalWaiz sitting in front of
Yaa Naa of Yendi.
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