"البيان والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
Al-Bayaan wa t Tabyeen
‘ani t Tijaaniyyah
wa t Tijaaniyiin
& Clarification About Tijjaniyah & Tijjaniyans".
Ibrahim Niasse

Translated By:
Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
Published weekly on his
Facebook page;
This has become necessary and timely due to the fact
that some wahabis are making a propaganda against Sheikh Tijjani, by using the
distorted and manipulated copy of his popular book "جواهر المعاني", "Pearls of Meanings", which
had suffered a horrible inclusion of "toxic" and blasphemous
statements by his enemies. And thank God Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass owned the
first original hand-written copy which he had stated in this book that he had
inherited from his father the khalifah of Sheikh Ahmed Tijjani in Senegal,
Alhaji Abdulahi Niass which was donated to him by the grandson of Sheikh Ahmad al
There is a wahabi student in New York who has been
running audio reading of these distortions and whatsapping them to the world
and I have been rebutting him with audio facts from this book and sharing via whatsapp
also. So folks, make a date with us next week and the weeks beyond to read
about what Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass documented in this book.
May 20, 2016
Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters in Islam, Juma'h
Mubarak. As part of our weekly Baye Book Translation Project, this is the tenth
in our series from the book of Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass entitled:
"البيان والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
"Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah
& The Tijjaniyans"
And it proceeds from pages 24, 27 and 28. It dwells on
how LA ILAHA ILLA LAH serves as a means of expiation(kaffarah). Please read and
كفر يمينك
بقولك لا إله إلا الله:
عن إبن عباس
"جاء رجلان إلى النبي (صلعم) أحدهما يطالب صاحبه بحق فسأل
الطالب البينة فلم تكن له بينة فحلف الآخر بالله الذي لا إله إلا هو ماله علي حق. قال
فأتى النبي (صلعم) فأخبر أنه كاذب فقال (صلعم):
"أعطه حقه وأما أنت فكفر عن يمينك بقولك لا إله إلا الله."
Expiate your oath by saying LA ILAHA ILLA LAH:
Ibn Abbass narrated that two men came to the
Prophet(s.a.w), one of them was asking his right (as owner of a lost and found
money) then he asked him for an evidence and he had no evidence. Then the other
one sworn by Allah: (Who there is no god but Him the money belongs to him. Then
someone came to the Prophet(s.a.w) and informed him that that person lied to
him. The Prophet(s.a.w) said: "Give him his money and for you, you need to
expiate for swearing(a flase) oath by saying LA ILAHA ILLA LAH.
لا إله إلا
الله على عارضتي الجنة:
عن أنس بن
مالك رضي الله عنه قال(صلعم):
"لما عرجت إلى السماء دخلت فرأيت في عارضي الجنة ثلاثة أسطر
مكتوبات بالذهب:
أول” لا إلله إلا الله"
ما قدمنا وربحنا ماأكلنا وخسرنا ماتركنا”
مذنبة ورب غفور."
والله يلهمنا
الصواب ويوفقنا لصالح القول والعمل.
لاتحسبوا أن
تهينونا ونكرمكم==وأن نكف الأذى عنكم فتؤذونا
وخير الكلام
ماقل ودل, وعلى الله قصد السبيل والله يقول الحق وهو يهدي السبيل.
On the authority of Anas bun Malik may Allah be
pleased with him said(s.a.w):
When i ascended in the heaven i entered and i saw on
the exhibitor of Paradise three of lines of script written with a golden ink.
Second "We have recieved what we have offered and
we have profited from what we ate and we have lost what we have left
Third "A sinful ummah and a forgiven Lord".
May Allah inspire us on the rightful path and help us
towards good words and deed.
Do not expect us to honor you when you insult us
And for us to stop harming you while you harm us
And the best of words is what is brief and provided
guidance, to Allah is the intented way and Allah says the truth and guides upon
the rightful path.
To be continued next Friday..........
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
May 6th, 2016
Alaikum brethren, Juma'h Mubarak. As part of our weekly Baye Book Translation
Project, this is the eight in our series from the book of Maulana Sheikh
Ibrahim Niass entitled:
"البيان والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
"Commentary & Clarification About
Tijjaniyah & The Tijjaniyans"
This week's excerpts are culled from pages 21
& 22. Its dwell on the impact of LA ILAHA ILLA LAH (There is no god but
من شهد أن لا إله إلا الله دخل الجنة:
He who bears witness that there is no god but
Allah will enter Paradise.
نذكر هنا حديث أبي هريرة أن النبي (صلعم) قال لأبي الدرداء:
"ناد في الناس
من شهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله دخل الجنة".
"We here by mention a hadith on the
authority of Abu Hurairah that the Prophet[PBUH] said to Abi Darda-ee:
“Inform people that whoever bears witness that
there is no god but Allah will enter Paradise.”
شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله كفارة:
Bearing witness that there is no god but Allah
is an expiation:
"عن أبي المعتمر
عن أبي بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه قال:
سالت رسول الله (صلعم) عن كفارة أحداثنا فقال:
شهادة أ، لا إله إلا الله".
On the Abil Mu’tamar from Abi Bakril Siddique
may Allah be pleased with him said:
I asked the messenger of Allah (PBUH) about
the expiation of our short-comings(sins) and he said:
“Bearing witness that there is no god but
لاإله إلا الله تأتي على الذنوب:
حدثنا ثابت عن أنس قال:
جاء رجل إلى النبي (صلعم) فقال: يارسول الله ماتركت حاحة
ولاداحة إلا وقد أتيت."
(صلى الله عليه وسلم): قال
"من شهد أ،
لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأني رسول الله فهي له نجاة."
اللفظ لرواية أبي يعلى.
There is no god but Allah wipes out sins:
Thabit narrated to us from Ans saying:
A man came to the Prophet[PBUH] and said: O
Prophet od Allah I have never left anything but I have fulfilled”.
“He who bears witness that there is no god but
Allah, He alone He has no partner, and I [Muhammad] is messenger that will
serve as a means of salvation.”
The wording is for Abi Ya’ala.
To be continued next Friday..........
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New
April 26th, 2016
Assalamu Alaikum brethren,
Juma'h Mubarak. As part of our weekly Baye Book Translation Project, this is
the seven in our series from the book of Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass entitled:
"البيان والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
"Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah & The
This week's excerpts are culled from pages 24, 25, 26 & 27. It dwell
on the impact of LA ILAHA ILLA LAH (There is no god but Allah):
لا اله الا
الله عصمة لقاءلها:
رواه النساني
من حديث أبي الأحوص وغيره من عطاء بن السائب....قال: "سألت رسول الله صلى الله
عليه وسلم فقلت: "أريت لو أن رجلا ضربني بالسيف فقطع يدي ثم لاذ مني بشجرة فقال:
-لا إله إلا الله – أقتله؟ قال (صلى الله عليه وسلم): "لا" مرتين أو ثلاثا ثم قال:
"إلا أن تكون
مثله قبل أن يقول ماقال ويكون مثلك قبل أن تفعل مافعلت".
هذا حديث صحيح
من حديث محمد بن مسلم ....أخرجه شيخان في صحيحهما من طرق شتى.
It was narrated by Abu Dawud and Nasaee from the hadith of Abil Ahwas
and others from 'Ata-a bunl Sa-eb....said: I asked the Prophet(s.a.w) and said:
"What do you think if a man hit me with a sword and chop off my hand then
he sheltered himself away from me and stood under a tree and said: - LA ILAHA
ILLA LAH- should i kill him? The Prophet(s.a.w) said: "No" two times
or three and then said:
"Unless you would be like him before he says what he said or he
becomes like you before you do what you did." This is an authentic hadith
from the hadith of Muhammad bun Muslim....It was reported by Sheikhan in their
authentic books from diverse ways.
لا إله إلا
الله كنز:
أخبرنا أبو
عبد الله قال: أن الكنز الذي ذكر الله في كتابه لوح من ذهب مصمت فيه: بسم الله الرحمان
الرحيم, عجبت لمن أيقن بالقدر كيف ينصب, عجبت لمن ذكر الله ثم يضحك, عجبت لمن ذكر الموت
ثم غفل, لا إله الله محمد رسول الله صلى عليه وسلم."
عن المغيرة
بن زيادة عن الشعبي قال:
قال ابن عباس:
"الكنز الذي
ذكر الله في كتابه وكان تحته "وكان تحته كنز لهما" لوح من ذهب مكتوب فيه:
أشهدأن لاإله إلا الله, عجبت لمن أيقن بالقدر كيف ينصب, وعحبت لمن تقلب الدنيا بأهلها
كيف يطمئن إليها."
It was narrated to us by Abu Abdulah who said: The treasure that Allah
had mentioned in his book is a golden made tablet written on it: "In the
Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful, I wonder about the fate of who is
certain with Destiny how would could he be focused. And i wonder about the fate
of the one who laughs whenever Allah's name is remembered or mentioned. And i
wonder about the fate of the one who neglects or forgets wherever death is mentioned.
There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is his messenger, s.a.w."
لا إله إلا
الله على أذن سمكة:
حدثنا أبو
العباس محمد بن يعقوب الأصم قال:
سمعت الحسن
بن إسحاق بن يزيد العطار يقول:
"كنا خارجين
من مصر إلى إفرقية في البحر فركدت علينا الريح فأرسينا إلى موضع يقول له اسطرون وكان
معنا صبي يقال له أيمن وكان معه شص يصطاد به السمك. قال, فاصطاد سمكة نحوا من شبر أو
أقل. قال, وكان على ضفة أذنها اليمنى متكوب "لا إله إلا الله", وعلى قذالها
وضفة أذنها اليسرى, محمد رسول الله, وكان أبين من نقش على حجر. قال قفذفناها في البحر
ومنع الناس أن يتصيدوا من ذلك الموضع حتى أو غلنا".
LA ILAHA ILLA LAH was found written on the hear of a fish:
Abul Abbass Muhammad bun Ya'qub Al-Salam said: I heard Al-Hassan bun
Ishaq bun Yazid Al-'Atar says:
"Once we were leaving Egypt to Africa in the sea, and we got
stagnated by wind storm. Then we transited at a place called
"Istrun". And there was a young boy with us called Aiman and he had a
fishhook with him that he was hunting fish with. He said, he then catched some,
fish like span size or less. He said, and it happened that on the edge of right
hear of the fish it was written, "LA ILAHA ILLA LAH", and in between
the two hears, on the bottom of the backside of his head and on the edge of its
left hear, it was written, MUHAMMAD RASULULAH. And then i made an indication
about it with a writing on rock. He further said, we then casted it off from
the sea and prohibited people from hunting within that part of the sea until we
were able to make big yield."
To be continued next Friday................
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
April 15, 2016
Salamu Alaikum brethren,
Juma'h Mubarak. As part of our weekly Baye Book Translation Project, this is
the sixth in our series from the book of Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass entitled:
"البيان والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
" Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah & The
This week's 13 & 14 pages excerpts dwell on the intellectual nature
of the followers of Sheikh Ahmed Tijjani and rejection of deniers of him.
The Intellectual Nature of the Followers of
Sheikh Ahmed Tijjani and Rejection of Deniers of Him.
المريدون التجانيون
من فطاحل العلماء:
وأما فطاحل
العلماء الذين سلموا للشيخ التجاني وتمسكوا بطريقته قديما وحديثا فلا نطيل بالتعرض
لذكرهم وذلك لاشتهارهم ووفرة عددهم في كل قطر ولله الحمد.
The Murids of Tijjaniyah
are among the Great Intellectuals.
Regarding the great intellectuals who have submitted themselves to
Sheikh Tijjani and held fast to his Tariqah past and present, we will not
prolong stating it, this is by virtue of their popularity and huge numbers in
every spot, praise be to Allah.
وحسبنا ماقاله
العلامة قاضي الجماعة بالمغرب سيدي أحمد سكيرج في كتابه القيم الإيمان الصحيح ص 60
الذي دافع فيه بقوة عن الشيخ التجاني رضي الله عنه قال:
It sufficed us the statement of the scholar Al-Qady in Morroco, Sayyidi
Sukairaj in his book "Al-Qayyimul Eemani Sahih", "The Value of
Authentic Faith", page 60, in which he defended vigorously on behalf of
Sheikh Tijjani, may Allah be pleased with him said:
"بعض العلماء
التجانيين بتونس:
ولو لم يكن
من أتباع الشيخ التجاني غير أبي الرياحي لكفى أسوة في الاءقتداء بسيدنا الشيخ قدس سره.
ولا نحتاج إلى التنويه بأبى إسحاق المذكور فاءن جلالته في العلم أشهر من نار علم وبيت
الرياحي من العائلات العريقة في المجد من قديم الى الآن وفيهم الخلافة عن سيدنا رضي
الله عنه مشهورة وهم البيوت في الحاضرة التونسية المنتسبة للطريقة. ومن البيت البيوت
التي اشتهرت بالفضل ومحبة الشيخ التجاني رضي الله عنه في تونس أيضا بيت السادة أولاد
النيفر بيت العلم الراسخ وبيت السادة أولاد بيرم بيت المجد الشامخ وبيوت أخرى.
"Some scholars of
Tijjaniyah in Tunisia:
If there had not been any followers of Sheikh Tijjani except Abi Ishaq
Al-Rayahi it would have sufficed as a model for emulation of Sheikh may Allah
sanctify his secret. And we do not need to mention the specific Aba Ishaq
stated here, because his majesty in knowledge and action is more popular than
the fire over knowledge.
And the house of Rayyahy is part of the prestigious families in terms of
glory for a long time until now. Among them emerged the popular (khilafah)
succession of our master (Sheikh Tijjani) may Allah be pleased with him. They
are from the household of the eminence of Tunisia which Tariqah is attributed
to. And among the household which became virtually popular and the love of
Sheikh Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him in Tunisia also in the household
of masters of the children of Al-Naifar, the household of sound knowledge, the
household of masters, children of Bairam, the lofty household of glory and
other households.
الانكار على
التجانيين مكابرة وظلم:
ثم يقول سيدي
سكيرج رضي الله عنه:
"فهؤلاء السادة
كل منهم أمة وفر الله جمعهم فقد خاب سعي من نسبهم الى ضلالة, وأمة النبي (صلعم) لا
تجتمع على ضلالة وإخراجهم من دين الإسلام بمجرد فهم شيء على غير وجهه مما لايقول به
Rejection upon
Tijjaniyans is stubbornness & unfairness
Then Sayyadi Sukairaj may Allah be pleased with him:
"So those masters each of them is part of an ummah or community
that Allah has preserved their people. So there has been a disappointed pursuit
towards attributing them to misguidance. And the ummah or community/society of
the Prophet(s.a.w) would not arrive at a compromising stand upon misguidance
and taking them out of the religion of Islam, due to a mere understanding of an
issue from a different periscope is not what a believer supposed to say."
To be continued next week.............
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
April 1, 2016
Salamu Alaikum brethren,
Juma'h Mubarak. As part of our weekly Baye Book Translation Project, this is
the fifth in our series from the book of Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass entitled:
"البيان والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
" Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah & The
This week's excerpt are from pages 16, 17 & 18. It dwells on the
fact that the azkar/awrad or litany of Tijjaniyah is not bid'ah or innovation.
والتجانيات من الذاكرين الله كثيرا والذاكرات:
وفي الجواب
المسكت للعلامة العارف بالله الفقيه محمد الكنسوسي لسان الطريقة مانصه:
The Male & Female
Tijjaniyans are among those who indulge in numerous (zikir)remembrance of Allah
And in the reply "Al-Maskat" written by the intellectual who
possessed divine knowledge, a fiqh scholar Muhammad Al-Kansusy, spokesman of
Tariqah he stated that:
"... وإنهم (يعني
أهل الطريقة التجانية) والله من خير هذه الأمة, وهم بحمد الله مطهرون من كل مذمة, وكيف
لا وهم الصائمون القائمون يدعون ربهم بالغداة والعشي يريدون وجهه فمنهم من لا يعرف
المنام بالليل أصلا. ومنهم من لا يعرف الطعام والشراب بالنهار إلا في الأعياد, ومنهم
من لا ينقص ورده عن عشرة آلاف من الصلاة على رسول الله (صلعم) بصلاة الفاتح لما أغلق
بين اليوم والليلة."
"....They (meaning the followers of Tariqatul Tijjaniyah), by Allah
are among the best(people) of this ummah. And praise be to Allah, they are
purified from all slanders, and why not? Since they are always fasting, praying
at night praying to their Lord by day and night, they are seeking his pleasure.
Among them there are those who do not know what sleep is. And among them are
those who do not care about food and drink in the day but only during the festivities(eid
days). Among them are those who do not reduce their (wird) litany which consist
of thousands of Salatul Fatih Lima Ugliq between day and night."
ليست الأوراد
التجانية بدعة:
الحاصل أن
هذه الأوراد من أرواد الرسول (صلعم), وأهلها جربوا منفعتها, ولا منفعة أعظم عند المسلم
الحق من دوام ذكر الله والدعوة إلى الإسلام بالقول والعمل. وإنا لانكفر مسلما, لأن
تكفير أحد من أهل القبلة من الصعوبة بمكان, ولكن من تحامل علينا وكفرنا لأنه كفر من
ليس بكافر: "فقد باء بها أحدهما".
The Awrad(litany) of
Tijjaniyah is not Bid'ah(innovation):
For the most part, these awrad are part and parcel of the awrad of the
messenger of Allah (PBUH), and its followers have tested its benefits. And
there is nothing that has a greatest benefits to a real Muslim than consistency
in remembrance of Allah and propagating the message of Islam with words and
action. And we do not ascribe kufur or non-belief against Muslim, because
declaring non-belief against one of the followers of the qibla (Muslims) poses
difficulties. However, whoever treated us with prejudice and declared us as non-believers
we will also declare him as a non-believer, because he ascribed non-belief against
a believer: "Then one of them is affirmed to be real disbeliever".
والحق انه
إذا جلس متعلم بجانب عالم وطلب منه أن يعلمه مايذكر دبر الصلوات فقال له 'المعقبات'
وهي كذا وكذا والعدد كذا وكذا وما يقال في الصباح والمساء وعند الوضوء وعند النوم وعند
الوتر وعند الطواف مثلا, لم يكن السائل مبتدعا ولا المعلم كذلك.
And in reality, when a student sit behind a teacher and requested him to
teach him what he recites after the prayers and he told him 'Mu'aqabaat' which
is so and so. And in so and so numbers, and what is said in the morning and
evening and at the point of wudu or ablution and during sleep, when praying
witir, and during tawaf (circumambulation) around ka'bah for example. The
questioner would neither be considered an innovator nor the teacher as well.
الأوراد التجانية
اوراد محمدية:
قال العلامة
أبوبكر الديماني الشنقيطي:
أو كفر بالله
ان قال عبد= مخلصا لا إله الله
او أن أستغفرالإله
يرجي = منه غفران ماجنته يداه
إن يكن ذا
يا أيها الناس كفر = فالزموا الكفر تحمدوا عقباه
وهذه الأذكارلو
أمر بها الشيطان لوجب الاءمتثال بدليل حديث "لقد صدقك وهو كذوب" فمابالك
إن أمر بها ولي من أولياء الله وهي اوراد النبي (صلعم) تسامح الناس فنسبوا بعضها إلى
الشيخ عبد القادر رضي الله عنه والى أبي الحسن الشاذلي رضي الله عنه وإلى الشيخ أحمد
التجاني رضي الله عنه والكل شيء واحد وهي اوراد محمدية لا غير وإنما هي ذكر الله لاءكر
Awrad of Tijjaniyah is
Awrad of (Prophet) Muhammad (s.a.w):
The scholar Abubakar Al-Deemany Al-Shanqity:
Or he disblieved in Allah when a servant says
Sincerely(La Ilaha Illah Lah) There is no god
but Allah
Or when he sort forgiveness from the Lord
From Him remission whose (Jannah) Paradise
lies on His Hands
If this (act) becomes a disbelief O people
Then commit yourselves to disbelief you will
praise its consequences
And these(azkar) remembrance even if Shaitan was to command for it, it would
have been mandatory to practice. This is based on a proof by a hadith: "He
has told you the truth but he is a liar" (when a Shaitan appeared to after
warning him not to come and still food again, he gave him "Hayatal Kursiyi
to be reciting"). So what would be your thoughts if it was commanded by a
(waliyi) or saint among the saints of Allah. And it is the awrad (litany) of
the Prophet (PBUH). People got tolerant and related part of it to Sheikh Ahmed
Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him. And all are one, because they are awrad
or litany of (Prophet) Muhammad (s.a.w), nothing else. For it is the
remembrance of Allah not anyone else.
To be continued next week..........
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.
March 4 at 5:49am
Salam Alaikum folks, Juma'h Mubarak. As promised last
week, I hereby commence the new segment of our weekly Baye Book Translation
Project with a new book of Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass, entitled:
والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
"Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah
& Tijjaniyans".
And our series begins from excerpts in pages 6 &
7. This is very significant and timely given the fact that some wahabis have
started using distorted version of "Jawahiril Ma'ani", (Pearls of
Meanings) and misinforming people about it. So i therefore started from the
pages he set the records straight. And coupled with his hand-written letter
indicating that he had inherited the original copy of this book.
الكذب على الشيخ التجاني والدس في النسخة المطبوعة من كتاب جواهر المعاني:
أملك نسخة من جواهر المعاني بخط المؤلف الخليفة الحاج علي حرازم برادة رضي الله
عنه, وهي التي كانت في حوزة الشيخ الختم التجاني رضي الله عنه مدة ستة عشر عاما,
كما حدثني به شيخي ووالدي الخليفة التجاني بسنغال الحاج عبد الله بن سيدي محمد
(نياس) عن سيدي البشير بن سيدي محمد الحبيب ابن الشبخ التجاني رضي الله عنهم.
وسيدي البشير هو الذي أعطى هذه النسخة التاريخية الممتازة لوالدي رحمه الله عام
ألف وثلاث مائة وتسعة وعشرين من الهجرة عندما إجتمع به بفاس المحروسة.
I possess a copy of Jawahiril Ma'ani with the original
hand writing of the author, Khalifah (of Sheikh Tijjani) Alhaji Aliyu Harazimi
(may Allah be pleased with him). It was the very copy in possession of Sheikh
Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him for the period of 16 years. As my Sheikh
and father, the Khalifah of Sheikh Tijjani in Senegal, Alhaji Abdulahi ibn
Sayyidi Muhammad(Niass) from Sayyidi Al-Bashir ibn Sayyidi Muhammadul Habib
Ibnil Sheikh Tijjani, may Allah be pleased with them narrated to me. And
Sayyidi Al-Bashir was the one who donated this historic (unique) copy to my
father, may Allah grant him mercy in the year, 1329 of the hijrah calendar when
he met him in Faz the guarded place.
هنا حقيقة لها قيمتها العظمى وهي أن النسخ المطبوعة من الجواهر- وهي المتداولة بين
الإخوان - تحتوي على أشياء كثيرة لا وجود لها في نسخة المؤلف.
And I affirm here the reality that has its great worth
which is the fact that the published copy of "Jawahiril Ma'ani (Pearls of
Meanings) - which is rotating among brothers(as they read in turns) constitutes
numerous things that are not included in the author's(hand written) copy.
ذلك لأني قد درست كتاب جواهر المعاني عدة مرات لأفواج كثيرة من كبار الطلبة
التجانيين وبمحضر جماعات من علماءهم في مدرستي وكنت دائما أستعمل نسختي المخطوطة
وهم يتابعون بالنسخة المطبوعة, وكنت انبههم دائما على الزيادات الموجودة في كتبهم
والتي لاتوجد في نسخة الؤلف ومن جملة هذه الزيادات المقصد الأحمدي, فلا وجود له في
نسختي أصلا.
I realized that because I taught the book
"Jawahiril Ma'ani" many times to many groups of people, among the
senior-most Tijjaniyah students. And in attendance to these lectures in my
school were many of their scholars. And I would always use my hand-written copy
while they were following my readings with the published versions. And i was
awakening them (drawing their attention) about the additions existing in their
(published) copies of the book and those that were not found in the author's
original copy. And among one of those phrases is, "Maqsadil Ahmady"
(The Motive of Ahmady), and it is not found in my original copy.
أخبرت الخليفة التجاني بمصر الشيخ محمد الحافظ بهذه الحقيقة المكتشفة فاستعار مني
النسخة ليدرسها مع مجموعة من العلماء التجانيين منهم عمدة مدينة الاسماعيلية وقد
ثبت لهم بالدراسة المقارنة صحة ماقلت لهم. وعند ذلك طلب مني الاخ المذكور أن أقرر
ذلك كتابة يحتفظ بها وينشرها عند الحاجة فساعدته على ما طلب.
And i have informed the Khalifah of Sheikh Tijjani in
Egypt Sheikh Muhammadul Hafiz about this discovered reality, then he borrowed
the copy from me to review it with a group of Tijjaniyah scholars. Among them
was the mayor or governor of the city of Isma'eliyyah. And after a comparative
analysis, what i told them became proven to them. And it was then that the
brother I mentioned(Sheikh Muhammadul Hafiz) requested from me to affirm that
in writing so as to keep it safe and secure and publish it when the need arise
and I helped to fulfill his request.
على استعداد للتعاون مع كل من يريد بحث هذه المسألة فالنسخة الأصلية المذكورة لم
تزل عندي ولله الحمد.
And I am prepared to help anyone who wants to research
this issue. So the aforementioned original copy is still with me, praise be to
أني اطلعت على النسخة التي كتبها الشيخ محمد الحافظ التجاني العلوي الشنقيطي
فرأيتها موافقة لنسختي.
As I also reviewed the copy that was written by Sheikh
Muhammadul Hafiz Al-Tijjani Al'Alawi Al-Shanqiti and I found it on the same
wave length with my copy.
فاءن الدس في كتب العلماء قديم ومعروف لدى الباحثين, وأسبابة متعددة. ونحن والحمد
لله على بصيرة من أمر طريقتنا التجانية المحمدية المباركة.
Undoubtedly, distortions in the books of scholars is
an old occurrence and it is well known among researchers, and there are
multiple causes for it. And as for us, we are on an inspirational foresight in
the affairs of our blessed path of Tijjaniyah and Muhammadiyah.
طالعت كتابا قيما ألفه العلامة القاضي الشيخ أحمد سكيرج سماه جناية المنتسب فيما
نسب الى الشيخ التجاني بالكذب وهو كتاب كثير الفاءدة في بابه وقد طبع في القاهرة
تحت إشراف الشيخ محمد الحافظ التجاني.
And I have reviewed a valuable book written by Allamah
(intellectual) Sheikh Ahmed Sukairaj entitled, "The Crime of The
Attributed(one) in What was Attributed to Sheikh Tijjani of Falsehood". It
is a book full of benefits in its chapters. It was published in Cairo under the
supervision of Sheikh Muhammadul Hafiz Al-Tijjani.
To be continued next week..........
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York
March 11 at 5:57am
Salam Alaikum folks, Juma'h Mubarak. As part of our
weekly Baye Book Translation Project, we started a new book of Maulana Sheikh
Ibrahim Niass last week entitled:
والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
"Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah
& Tijjaniyans"
Today we proceed with excerpts from pages 3 & 4
which dwell on the importance of salat or prayer as well as the recitation of
the holy Qur'an.
of Salat or Prayer as well as the Recitation of the Holy Qur'an
شروط الطريقة التجانية المحافظة على الفرائض:
تلك هي
الطريقة التجانية ومن شروطها المحافظة على الفرائض والعض عليها بالنواجذ واكدها
الصلوات الخمس الطهارة المائية وبإتمام أركانها وهو المقصود بالإقامة التي أمر
الله بها بقوله "واقيموا الصلاة", وبأدائها في جماعة سنية غير مبتدعة,
"واركعوا مع الراكعين", وان يؤديها في وقتها, "إن الثلتة كانت على
المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا", وبخشوع, "قد أفلح المؤمنون الذين هم في صلاتهم
It is
Parts of the Conditions of the Path of Tijjaniyah Taking the Obligatory Acts
very Serious
Such is the path of Tijjaniyah and part of its
conditions is taking the mandatory acts of worship seriously and holding it
firm with our tooth. And what affirms it is the five daily prayer
purifying(oneself) with water and completing its pillars and that is what is
intended with establishment that Allah has commanded when He says: "And
established prayer", and for performing it in group the sunnah way not
bid'ah, "And bow with those who bow", and it has to be performed in its
time, "Verily, prayer was legislated upon the believers according to
time". And with devotion, "The believers have succeeded who are
devoted in their prayers".
المريد التجاني بالقرآن:
على هذه الفرائض يؤكد على التجاني أن يكون قوي الصلة بالقرآن تلاوة ودراسة وتاملا.
كان يحفظ القرآن فليجتهد لختمه في كل أسبوع مرة وإن إستطاع أن يختم في كل أسبوع
مرة وان إستطاع ان يختم في كل ثلاث فذلك الأكمل ولا غرو فان أفضل ما يتقرب به إلى
الله كتابه المبين كما في الرؤيا التي راها أحمد بن حنبل رضي الله عنه بل وكما ثبت
كتابا وسنة واجماعا وعقلا وفقها.
من لم يقدر على تلاوة الثلث كل يوم ولا على تلاوة السبع فلا أقل من تلاوة حزبين كل
يوم أو او تلاوة ما تيسر ولو بضع آيات.
The Link
of the Murid of Tijjanyah with the Qur'an:
And on top of these obligatory acts, it affirms on the
murid of Tijjaniyah to have a strong link with the Qur'an in terms of reading,
learning and reflection.
If he happens to memorize the Qur'an he needs to
strive and be completing it once every week. If he could be completing once
every three days it is better. And it is not exaggeration to say that the most
virtuous act that gets one closer to Allah is his concise Book (Al-Qur'an), as
it appeared in a dream that Ahmed bun Hanbal may Allah be pleased with him saw.
Even as it was established in the Qur'an and Sunnah, by consensus, with common
sense and (fiqh wise) jurisprudence.
But for the one who cannot recite one third every day
or complete weekly, he or she should read at least two hizb every day or
reciting whatever he or she could recite even if it were few verses.
To be continued next week.......
NB: Folks, we should all take this as a lesson to take
salat and Qur'an with all seriousness they deserve.
Especially in regards to reading the Qur'an, many are
those murids and even muqadams of our present day who have never learnt how to
recite the Qur'an and would not even border to learn. They prefer zikir than
reciting the Qur'an, which is the greatest of zikir.
I remember in one of the 42 books written by Sheikh
Ahmed BabalWaiz (Spokesperson & Interpreter of Baye in Ghana), which I
translated and it is entitled: "Spokesperson of Faydah About Some Wonders
of the Custodian of Faydah", he narrated that during the two arrivals of
Baye in Ghana in the sixties, he was always reciting the Qur'an whenever they
were going on dawah trips. He used to be sitting next to him always in the car
and Shehu Barhama would hand him his Qur'an to hold for him when he would want
to take a brief break. This shows how dedicated and committed he was with the
Qur'an. I hope we will all learn some lessons from this.
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York
وهل الأصنام والكهانة من
التجانية ؟))))
((Is Idolatry and Soothsaying Part and Parcel of
قد دخل في الطريقة
التجانية أشرار من الناس وهم الشباب اليوم...
March 18 at 6:34am
Salam Alaikum folks, Juma'h Mubarak. As part of our
weekly Baye Book Translation Project, this is the third in our series from the
book of Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Niass entitled:
والتبيين عن التجانية والتجانيين"
"Commentary & Clarification About Tijjaniyah
& The Tijjaniyans"
This week's coincidentally happens to address the
current controversy and readers can read the position of Sheikh Tijjani and
Sheikh Ibrahim on these controversial issues which seem to divide us. The
lesson i've personally learnt from this book was that, no matter who you are in
the field of knowledge of Islam and Tasawwuf, if your views go diametrically
opposed to the rules of the Shariah then we do not have to abide by it.
المريد التجاني عامرة بذكر الله:
الطريقة تقضي بتعمير الأوقات بذكر الله تعالى وأفضل الذكر ماجاء في الحكيم
كالباقيات الصالحات "سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله
أكبر", ومن افضله أيضا "لا إله إلا الله وحده لاشريك له" دبر كل
صلاة كما هو معروف.
The Murid
of Tijjaniyah is Full of the Remembrance of Allah
And the teachings of the path of Tijjaniyah requires
investing more time in the remembrance of Allah Almighty. And the best of
remembrance is "Subhana Lah, Wal Hamduli Lah, Wa Lala Ilaha Illa Lah, Wa
Lahu Akbar.", and also part of its virtues is, "La Ilaha Illa Lah
Wahdahu La Sharika Lahu", after the end of every prayer as it is already
التجاني الشرع:
وصوخ هذا المنهاج ومع كونه في الحقيقة منهاج الكتاب والسنة انتقد بعض الناس على
السيد ى الحاج احرازم مؤلف جواهر المعاني لأنه أفاض ذكر فضائل هذه الطريقة
ومناقبها مما لم تحمله حوصلتهم فاذكروا وبالغوا حتى أنكروا على الشيخ أحمد التجاني
نفسه وهو الذي أعلن للدنبا كلها قولته المشهورة:
"إذا سمعتم عني شيئا فزنوه بميزان الشرع فما وافق فخذوه
وما خالف فاتركوه".
قولة لم تدع مجالا للمنتقد بوجه من الوجوه.
The Scale
of Tijjaniyah is the Shariah:
By virtue of the charity of this approach (of Ibadah
or worship) and the fact that it is in reality an approach of Qu'ran and
Sunnah, some people criticized Sayyidi Alhaji Aliyu Harazimi, author of
"Jawahiril Ma'ani", "Pearls of Meanings", because he
elaborated at length regarding the virtues of this Tariqah and its values, as
part of what it carries. Then they mentioned about that several times and made
gross exaggeration against Sheikh Ahmed Tijjani himself. And he was the one who
announced to the world entirely his popular saying:
"If you hear something from me, then weigh it on the scale of the Shariah,
what matches take it and what did not match leave it."
And this is an utterance that did not leave any chance
for criticism from every point of view.
طريقة علم:
ما أعلق على هذا الإعلان المهم بقولي:
الشيخ التجاني رضي الله عنه ألزم أتباعه التعلم والتبخر في العلم مااستطاعوا إلى
ذلك سبيلا لأن الوزن بميزان الشرع ورد الأمور إلى الله ورسوله لا يتاتي إلا من
بناء على طريقة علم وحكمة. وإن من اتبع الشيخ التجاني ثم ارتكب بدعة ضلالة فما جنى
إلا على نفسه وأما الشيخ التجاني فقد برات ذمته بهذا الإعلان التاريخي الذي أيده
سلوكه رضي الله عنه وسائر تصرفاته التي مبناها ومعيارها السنة المحمدية كما شهد
بذلك الخاص والعام.
The Path
of Tijjaniyah is a Path of Knowledge:
And more often I do comment on this important
announcement saying:
Sheikh Tijjani has mandated his followers to seek
knowledge and delve deep in intellectual pursuit according to their ability.
Because weighing with the scale of the Shariah and leaving it to Allah and his
messenger would not be achieved but only by a seeker of knowledge.
So based on this, Tijjaniyah is the path of knowledge
and wisdom. And so whoever follows Sheikh Tijjani and then committed a
misguided bi'dah or innovation, he never reaped (negative repercussion) but by
his ownself.
However, as for Sheikh Tijjani he is free from blame
with this historic announcement which was supported by his manner and demeanor,
may Allah be pleased with him. And even his entire actions whose foundation and
criteria are based on the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w) as that was
witnessed by both exclusive and generic people.
طريقة جهاد في سبيل الله:
كتاب الإسلام الصراط المستقيم صفحة 109 قال فيه مانصه:
القرن السابع الهجري (الثالث عشر الميلادي) كانت تمبكتو مركز الثقافة الإسلامية
وبعد خمسة قرون أصاب التوسع قوة دفع جديدة عندما تأسست دولة سوكوتو واخضعت أغلبية
السودان الغربي لها بمساعدة الإخوة الصوفية المراكشية- مريدي الطريقة التجانية".
is a Path of Jihad (Striving in the Course of Allah):
And in the book entitled, "Islam the Straight
Path", page 109, he said in what was written:
"And in the seventh century of the Hijrah
calendar (13th of the Christian calendar), Timbuktu used to be the center of
Islamic culture and civilization. And after five centuries, the new defensive
power got expanded when the State of Sokoto was established and subjected
majority of western Sudan with the help of the Sufi brotherhood of Markesh -
who were Murids of the path of Tijjaniyah."
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York
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