Saturday, 17 September 2016


"افريقيا إلى الإفريقيين"
(Rejoinder written to debunk a false claim by a Christian/French Clergy about the Spread of Islam in Africa)
Written by:
Maulana Sheikh Ibrahim Anyas

 Translated by:
Hussseini Yushau Babalwaiz (New York based Journalist, Author and Tutor in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies)
August 19, 2015
Folks this is a two-page excerpt from one of the 75 books written by MAULANA SHEIKH IBRAHIM ANYAS, entitled: "افريقيا إلى الإفريقيين" {AFRICA TO AFRICANS} And being translated by: HUSSSEINI YUSHAU BABALWAIZ, a New York based journalist, author and tutor in Arabic Language and Islamic Studies. It is a rejoinder written by Sheikh to debunk a false claim by a Christian/French clergy about the spread of Islam in Africa. Just imagine the political analysis he made in this book, a must read for all.
"There is a difference between government takeover and holding firm to the religion. When we consider religion, we see this was the proclamation of the Qur’an, which is the last book that came from Allah: “Verily, the[true] religion to Allah is Islam”. And whoever does not believe in the proclamation of the Qur’an, to believe in Allah alone; as we stated: He believes in something that neither hears nor sees, a non living object, part of the creation of Allah of part of the invention of man himself, such as the cross and pictures and statues, Allah is great!
Whoever wants to be just knows that [real] men are known with the truth and truth is known with men. Because, in every religion, there are both perfect and imperfect men. If you try to apply the shortcomings of some Muslims with Islam, then that is injustice, infraction [of Muslims right], oppression and aggression.
And to say that, communism is found at everywhere Islam could be found, is a big slander. Verily, communism is more widely spread in the countries that do not embrace Islam before. The truth is that, Islam is against communism, and communism is against Islam. And was Islam the reason for [widely spread] communism in Europe? No.
Communism has not occurred in African-If we assumed that it has occurred in it-Then it was in those countries that their kith and kin [families] were not Muslims. But Islam has entered these our countries –if you would not say it has grown in it-so many centuries, before the invasion of the Europeans. And communism even Christianity had never entered in it until the settlement of the Europeans in it. Hence, the liberation of a nation- by the non-indigenes of it that does not bring about communism, but rather the opposite.
However, with regards to enslavement of people: We would ask some Christians-Europeans who invaded Africa and colonized it, were they those who tried enslaving them or the opposite?
If there were some privileges for some indigenous children of the kings and clergies that could be referred to as enslavement of people: Then the privileges in non African and non Islamic countries, whether from the point of view of kingdom, governance or religion is more severe and risky on the part of the weak and[ordinary] workers.
A Christian writer said: “Has the limit of equality been established in the west after the French revolution, and then promulgating the human rights? And then said “Haven’t the kings[leaders] still have privileges, and the elites privileges, and for the people of ranks and titles privileges, and the people of religion privileges, and for the entourage of kings and elites predilection and privileges in the public law?
Haven't [we] weaved or knit for those in charge of the public law-clothes different from those weaved for the poor people?”

September 9, 2015
Salamu Alaikum, folks, this week we will delve and dive deep inside one of the amazing masterpieces(among 75 books) of Maulana Shehu Barhama Kaolack, dubbed:
(إفريقيا إلى الإفريقيين)
It is a continuation from the first excerpt of this book which was a rejoinder he wrote to counter a Christian writer who made some false allegations and insinuations against Islam, Muslims and Africans in general. It is so interesting and exciting to notice his exceptional usage of terminologies in practical economics as well as in political economy. Walahil 'Azeem! Shehu Barhama was not only an Islamic scholar, but Allah had fed him well with secular and contemporary knowledge as well.
The last excerpt ended where he quoted a Christian writer who asked a rhetorical question about the glaring inequality in the western world. Below is a two-page conclusion of that section:
“…Those people do not pay tolls and taxes. And he said: Don’t you feel that those western nations distinguish between many group of clergy? They own one-third of the land in the country and one-third of the resources in the country…Their lands are exempted from paying taxes and their imports are waived or relinquished multiple times, so they could trade more and accumulate and amass gold.
This is what a Christian writer said: And this is how they enslave people and poor workers and poor farmers. They[let them] pay more taxes. While the lazy monks get their money[earnings] increased for them. In fact, even what each one of them earns is far more than what thousand people in the country earn.
This[happens] in spite of the claim of justice, equity and fairness.
Do not satirize or ridicule a person older than you, for your father might be satirized or redicule at where you do not know.
And there is a clear cut dichotomy between this[unfavorable tax system to the poor] and the imposition on the rich and transferring it on to the poor.
However, with regards to education, training and culture, that were made by the Christian messengers, as the author claims-It is twenty out of hundred as compared to the education[provided] by the Islamic scholars in many places in Africa. Unless when they claim there is no education, but their own education, there is no training but their own training, and there is no culture but their own culture. Otherwise, the mosques, the universities and the schools that volunteers are teaching in: surpasses or out-numbered the churches in multiples.
And none of these attracts government support. But, Muslims rely on Allah[for help] on all this and upon themselves, unlike the none-Muslim schools. So this is how equity and consideration of the rights of people look like.
The author made it clear without any shyness with what he wrote: “Blind imitation, following the fools and enslavement of the weak are Islamic traditions.”
And your love for something is a veil that covers its equity, while at the same time, your hate for something is a veil that covers its attractions. It was due to this that he[the author] characterized Islam with the characteristics of his religion[Christianity]. They[Christians] said: Religion is above mind(reasonning), because they like to subject people to their whims. And would not search for the reality of their religion, but only imitating blindly and following foolishly:
And I used to throw at a people when they throw(things at me)
And so(do you think) i am unjust in the family of Hamdan?
(The last paragraph above is a poem/qasidah Sheikh quoted)
If you repeat[the unjust treatment] we shall retaliate. The initiator[first to attack] is the most oppressed and unjust. And the rest of[his statement] is just a trash, it does not need an answer.
And peace be upon the one who follows the right path. And punishment will be upon who regarded religion as false and turned a blind eye[from the truth]."
Sheikhul Islam:
Ibrahim Alhaji Abdulahi[Anyas] Alkaolacki
Was transcribed by Ibrahim Mahmoud Diop Alkhaolacki(the Secretary of Shehu Barhama), On 15/9/79, Hijiriyah.
In Madinatul Kaolack. Published and distributed by Muhammad Sani Awal Al-Tijjani(One of the Khulafah of Shehu Barhama in Nigeria).

Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz

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