"رد أكاذيب المفترين على أهل اليقين",
The discussion about Jawahiril Ma’aani, may be he(the fabricator) failed and fumbled in what he quoted [from the book], which exposes the [mischievous] motive of many of those who copy or republish books. However, I researched Jawahiril Ma’aani line by line and word by word, I did not see where this statement was made. And I researched it as well in other books of Tariqah and I did not find it in any of those books, that was when it became clear to me that those people were liars, fabricators creating blasphemy (against Sheikh Tijjani) and they do not fear Allah. So if a man is a liar, you do not rely upon his conveyed sources which is considered coming from scholars. So even if he were to be countered, he would be considered among the evil scholars, may Allah Almighty protect us.
And I am back to the wird that those people alleged Sheikh Tijani said: The Prophet (PBUH) has concealed or hidden it for him and I realized it was ISTIGFAR, SALATU ALAN NABIYYI, S.A.W. with any tone and LA ILAHA ILLA LAHU. Now which was concealed by the Prophet s.a.w. from among these? ISTIGFAR? This does not make sense.
SALATUL ALAN NABIYI with any tone! even SALATUL FATIH if they allege is concealed (for Sheikh Tijjani), then it was existing before Sheikh Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him and it was popular. It was Sayyidina Ali may Allah be pleased with him who recited it first.
Was LA ILAHA ILLA LAH hidden by the Prophet(PBUH)?
This is the wird, so the people are enemies [mischievous] they have no honor. They have disgraced and scandalized every morally upright person in a very ugly manner and disgraced their followers among whom attested to their truthfulness.
And Allah Almighty says: (O you who believe if an immoral person comes to you with a news verify, in order not to accuse a people [who are innocent] ignorantly, so you will by so doing regret).
And whether Ustaz Al-Khidir bun Ma Yaba, or Al-Shuwaikh Abdul Rahaman or so and so, this statement is a fabricated falsehood. So these are the people who had betrayed the trust of knowledge and sacrificed themselves with the sword of falsehood. And the clear-cut issue is that, there is no one true Tijjani follower who believe that the Prophet [PBUH] has concealed something among what he was commanded to convey. And this is one thing. So the leaders of Tijjaniyah are innocent from this accusation and their enemies are the criminals that man who claims he aims at aiding the truth must keep distance from them, if there remains some eeman or faith in him.
And at this juncture, permit me to clarify to you an intellectual rule, which is the reality of standpoint and the standpoint of fair-minded scholars. And it is the sharia ruling in everything that concerns a Muslim among the Muslims either from the east nor from the west, a fiqh, a hadith, an oratory or a sufi scholar. Sayyadi Ahmed Tijjani’s stands and other scholars on this is whenever an issue is attributed to a Muslim, it has to be treated according to the sharia. And it must also be handled according to what contradicts the sharia, but we will have to handle it according to the sharia.
And Sayyadi Ahmed Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him was asked, will [people] lie about you? He said: “Yes, when you hear something attributed to me, weight it on the scale of the sharia. If it matches it, work with it and if it contradicts it, reject it.”
So he had announced [from the onset] that what contradicts the sharia is a lie attributed to him, because he himself complies with the sharia. And scholars of his contemporary generation have known him with that.
And the scale or common denominator between him and his companions is the sharia of Allah Almighty. So whatever is attributed to him requires to be observed in two different faces, one face conforms with the sharia and the other face does not conform to it.
So we will handle it base on what conforms with the sacred sharia. And we seek refuge from Allah not to adopt the contradictory face [of the sharia]. And we lead according how we know him and his followers. And would avoid what he does not say and he was innocent from.
And if is not possible to hold it - according what happened to him, which the scholars knew before - on the ground that fits with sharia, we will rebut it and conclude that they lie against him. As he kept distance from him in his life and asked his companions to do so, like the saying of fabricators: Verily, this wird (Allah) concealed it for me and non among my companions knew about it. And we have been used to the sharia in two different situations, and secured our aqidah or belief from all contradictions.
And most of the oppositions of those people are based on three issues:
First Issue: Falsehood that they fabricated which is not in the book that they related to it originally, nor was it in any book among the books of Tariqah. Just in the previous issue, and the fact that Salatul Fatih is from the Qur’an.
To be continued insha Allah........................................
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.

"رد أكاذيب المفترين على أهل اليقين",
The discussion about Jawahiril Ma’aani, may be he(the fabricator) failed and fumbled in what he quoted [from the book], which exposes the [mischievous] motive of many of those who copy or republish books. However, I researched Jawahiril Ma’aani line by line and word by word, I did not see where this statement was made. And I researched it as well in other books of Tariqah and I did not find it in any of those books, that was when it became clear to me that those people were liars, fabricators creating blasphemy (against Sheikh Tijjani) and they do not fear Allah. So if a man is a liar, you do not rely upon his conveyed sources which is considered coming from scholars. So even if he were to be countered, he would be considered among the evil scholars, may Allah Almighty protect us.
And I am back to the wird that those people alleged Sheikh Tijani said: The Prophet (PBUH) has concealed or hidden it for him and I realized it was ISTIGFAR, SALATU ALAN NABIYYI, S.A.W. with any tone and LA ILAHA ILLA LAHU. Now which was concealed by the Prophet s.a.w. from among these? ISTIGFAR? This does not make sense.
SALATUL ALAN NABIYI with any tone! even SALATUL FATIH if they allege is concealed (for Sheikh Tijjani), then it was existing before Sheikh Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him and it was popular. It was Sayyidina Ali may Allah be pleased with him who recited it first.
Was LA ILAHA ILLA LAH hidden by the Prophet(PBUH)?
This is the wird, so the people are enemies [mischievous] they have no honor. They have disgraced and scandalized every morally upright person in a very ugly manner and disgraced their followers among whom attested to their truthfulness.
And Allah Almighty says: (O you who believe if an immoral person comes to you with a news verify, in order not to accuse a people [who are innocent] ignorantly, so you will by so doing regret).
And whether Ustaz Al-Khidir bun Ma Yaba, or Al-Shuwaikh Abdul Rahaman or so and so, this statement is a fabricated falsehood. So these are the people who had betrayed the trust of knowledge and sacrificed themselves with the sword of falsehood. And the clear-cut issue is that, there is no one true Tijjani follower who believe that the Prophet [PBUH] has concealed something among what he was commanded to convey. And this is one thing. So the leaders of Tijjaniyah are innocent from this accusation and their enemies are the criminals that man who claims he aims at aiding the truth must keep distance from them, if there remains some eeman or faith in him.
And at this juncture, permit me to clarify to you an intellectual rule, which is the reality of standpoint and the standpoint of fair-minded scholars. And it is the sharia ruling in everything that concerns a Muslim among the Muslims either from the east nor from the west, a fiqh, a hadith, an oratory or a sufi scholar. Sayyadi Ahmed Tijjani’s stands and other scholars on this is whenever an issue is attributed to a Muslim, it has to be treated according to the sharia. And it must also be handled according to what contradicts the sharia, but we will have to handle it according to the sharia.
And Sayyadi Ahmed Tijjani may Allah be pleased with him was asked, will [people] lie about you? He said: “Yes, when you hear something attributed to me, weight it on the scale of the sharia. If it matches it, work with it and if it contradicts it, reject it.”
So he had announced [from the onset] that what contradicts the sharia is a lie attributed to him, because he himself complies with the sharia. And scholars of his contemporary generation have known him with that.
And the scale or common denominator between him and his companions is the sharia of Allah Almighty. So whatever is attributed to him requires to be observed in two different faces, one face conforms with the sharia and the other face does not conform to it.
So we will handle it base on what conforms with the sacred sharia. And we seek refuge from Allah not to adopt the contradictory face [of the sharia]. And we lead according how we know him and his followers. And would avoid what he does not say and he was innocent from.
And if is not possible to hold it - according what happened to him, which the scholars knew before - on the ground that fits with sharia, we will rebut it and conclude that they lie against him. As he kept distance from him in his life and asked his companions to do so, like the saying of fabricators: Verily, this wird (Allah) concealed it for me and non among my companions knew about it. And we have been used to the sharia in two different situations, and secured our aqidah or belief from all contradictions.
And most of the oppositions of those people are based on three issues:
First Issue: Falsehood that they fabricated which is not in the book that they related to it originally, nor was it in any book among the books of Tariqah. Just in the previous issue, and the fact that Salatul Fatih is from the Qur’an.
To be continued insha Allah........................................
Translated By: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz, New York.

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